10 random things about you
1. I am bald, but very sexy.
2. I LOVE classical jazz.
3. I am not upset at the prospect of turning 40.
4. I have been in a bank while it was being robbed, both times in the same month.
5. I had a heart attack at age 25.
6. I do not have cable TV.
7. I am an only child (and not spoiled).
8. I am a proud gun owner.
9. I can be annoying and adorable at the same time.
10. As a child I was bit on the ass by a goose (hate the damn things to this day)
10 favorite foods
1. Houston's chicken tenders
2. Houston's french fries
3. Fried okra
4. Grits (cheese or plain, don't matter)
5. Bacon (no pig is safe around me)
6. Scrambled eggs (day or night)
7. Italian spinach
8. Banana pudding (served warm, of course)
9. Fried green tomatoes
10. McDonald's sausage biscuit (sad, but very true)
10 wants
1. To be in a loving relationship
2. Compelete financial security.
3. A job with meaning and purpose.
4. To live in Florida.
5. To have an apartment in New York City
6. Access to a beach.
7. Good health
8. To express myself more artistically
9. To look hot in jeans
10. Oh yeah...and world peace
10 things you must have
1. Netflix
2. Beer/wine/liqour (in large amounts)
3. My friends near me
4. Art
5. Good books
6. My sound machine for sleeping
7. Xanax (usually in conjunction with # 2)
8. Coffee
9. Massages
10. Electric mattress pad warmer for winter
10 things you've done this year you didn't think you would
1. Came out
2. Met Joan Collins and Linda Evans
3. Deepened existing friendships
4. Gained 20 pounds
5. Started trying to loose said 20 (so I can be pretty)
6. Flirted with Paula Deen
The rest has yet to happen...
10 things you are scared of
1. Loosing those I love
2. No financial security
3. Tornados
4. Terrorism
5. Not living life to the fullest
6. Camel Crickets
7. Boredom
8. Regrets
9. Freaks
10. Rejection (especially from those I love and care about)
10 dislikes
1. Green peas
2. That hateful evil, evil bitch that lives around the block from me
3. Being cold
4. Not being in control
5. Dogs that jump on me
6. Trashy, ignorant people
7. Undisciplined children
8. The Memphis Mayor (see # 6)
9. Paris Hilton/Lindsay Lohan (again with # 6)
10. That this list is limited to only 10 things
10 things you want to do in the next year or two
1. Find a job that makes me happy (or a job that I don't hate)
2. Find a job that pays decently
3. To live a more relaxed life
4. Go on a cruise (or go cruising, whichever)
5. To find that one special man and love him completely, with all my heart
6. To get myself into better shape physically
7. To have my friends cook for me more
8. To volunteer more
9. To travel more
10. To be a better friend
10 places you want to see before you die
1. San Francisco / wine country
2. Grand Canyon
3. Shanghai, China
4. Bankok, Thailand
5. Tibetan Himalayas
6. Alaska
7. Hawaii
8. Anywhere in Australia
9. Ruins of the Incan empire in South America
10. My next house
10 hot celebrities
1. Ryan Reynolds (# 1 sigh)
2. Jeremy Piven
3. Tim McGraw (phew...dude)
4. Faith Hill
5. Jennifer Anniston
6. Dave Annable -- Brothers and Sisters (such a cutie)
7. Eva Longoria (I would switch for her)
8. Billy Currington
9. Chris Evans -- Johnny Storm, Fantastic 4 (note photo below)
10. Reichen Lehmkuhl (no explanation needed)