Wow -- it has certainly been a fun weekend. After a laborious (emphasis on BORE) my diverse crowd and myself went downtown to the trolley tour at the arts district. One night a month (Friday) all of the art galleries and businesses stay open late and it is kind of the place to see and be seen. We all met down there and true to form, I found the one person in Memphis that I would rather avoid. After successfully eluding this idiot, we got to see the zombies. That's right, folks... you heard it right...zombies. Apparently, once a year, people (odd people, I say) dress up like the living dead and have kind of a parade downtown. Why they do this I have NO CLUE. I could understand it if they charged something and gave the proceeds to a charity, but I don't think they do. Zombie etiquette says that if you want to be part of this parade that you put an "X" on you clothing with masking tape and as the zombies approach, they pull you in...I chose to pass on this activity. After we watched the March of the Dead, we ate at Pearl's Oyster House...quite a fine meal if I do say so myself.

After our group had dispersed, I went to Mollie Fontaine's (local gay bar) with a friend for a couple of hours. We had a good time and had some cocktails before the storm hit. I eventually left and went to the Pumping Station (if you have to ask if it is a gay bar, you ain't gay). This is where things got interesting. I have been emailing a guy that was at the bar that night (I'll call him Big Guy). I end up talking to him while sitting at a table. One of Big Guy's friends (Little Guy) comes over and starts flirting with me as well. At the same time. Both of them see what the other is doing and they take it up a notch and start getting touchy. One had his hand on my knee and the other, on my back. Then Big Guy gets pissed at Little Guy and they start arguing about something Little Guy presumably said. Little Guy takes umbrage and starts arguing back. Big Guy tears him a new one. At this point, I get up, got to the bar and pay my tab. They must have seen that I was gone and Big Guy came to the bar and apologized for me having to see the display. Someone started talking to him and Little Dude comes up and is profusely apologizing over and over. I pulled the piece d'resistance and said "I think it is time for me to go home". Little Guy's face just fell. I turned and walked right out the door. I never thought I would see the day that two guys would fight over me and I certainly NEVER thought that I would just walk away from it all. Since then, I have gotten (is gotten a word???) several apologetic emails from Big Guy.
The next night after, after working at the frame shop, a very good friend and myself went and ate a Papa Pia's (for any Memphians reading -- go there. Tonite.) Then we went to Felicia Suzanne's and had a cocktail on the patio. Words cannot tell what a beautiful night it was. Then we strolled down to the Cannon Center to see Amy Grant with the Memphis Symphony. WONDERFUL concert. I felt like I was in high school again going to see Amy...Following that we went to the top of the Madison Hotel to look at the river and have a glass of wine. Then we went home because it was after 11 and my friend turns into a pumpkin around 7:23 pm.

All in all, it was a truly fun and eventful weekend. Add to that the fact that one of my dearest friends is coming back in town this week for a visit after moving to Philadelphia. Right now, life is pretty good...