It is time to set our inner child free. As summer officially begins (for us here in Memphis, it began about a month ago) we would be remiss if we did not harken back to some of our sweetest childhood memories that can only take place in the south. Take a moment to sip dandelion wine and discover the magic of summertime all over again.
It certainly was a more innocent time for all of us. Our parents let us stay up late. We anxiously awaited vacations to the beach and Disney World. Summer meant swimming with your friends at the neighborhood pool, riding bikes as fast a speeding bullet, and the popsicle man. Inhale deeply and you can still smell the sweet aroma of honeysuckle as it wafts from the vine entangled in the chain-link fence, mixed with the smell of freshly cut grass. Look at the sky. It is that magical time that rests between sunset and darkness - twilight. What was once a hot and blazing atmosphere is now an aubergine that cannot be described, only thankfully experienced. A sliver of moon hangs low while the silhouette of a bird shoots into the darkness. Lightning bugs blink across darkening yards as you chase them with your mayonnaise jars with holes in the top. The roar of cicadas is almost deafening.
Wasn't that nice. Now, forget about gas prices and war and whatever else that keeps you from slowing down and experience the child-like magic of a southern summer once again. The next three months are yours to experience and enjoy.
I wish you a hot, sweaty, steamy summer. Just keep it safe and clean.
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