and no one has died...yet. Actually, I feel a whole lot better and have indeed lost some weight. I decided to follow the Suzanne Sommers diet (it really works, I've done it before) It hasn't really kicked in yet, but it should sometime this week.
On a more personal note, I had a date this weekend with a real live man. This was my first date as an out gay man and my must say, it was very nice. We went to a local Thai restaurant and had dinner underneath a Japanese maple while listening to jazz. Perfect evening. Could not have been better. We had a cold front come through and the temperature was in the low 70's and NO HUMIDITY which is UNHEARD of in Memphis this time of year.
I know it sounds old fashioned, but hew as a perfect gentleman (a true Southern quality). He told me that I am someone who he would like to get to know better. It really meant a lot to hear that. He said it was the perfect first date - very romantic. And, he ain't hard on the eye. Beautiful eyes and a smile that makes me melt (not like this guy pictured here, but damn close). I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. At this point, I have no expectations other than to have fun and get to know him better. All of this is still so new to me. Still feel like I haven't got my sea legs yet. However, it does wonders to the self-esteem when someone wants to be with you... More updates to come...
Sounds like the date went great!!! Congratulations on your first date out of the closet!!! Hope you see the guy again.
have you seen him again there buddy.....hope this works out for you.........this could be fun.........:)
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