I'M BACK, PEOPLE! Thanks to Brad for giving me the nudge to get off my duff and post again. Vacation was wonderful. It was so nice to get away for a little while and regroup. The weather was...well, hot and humid. It was mostly in the low 90s and sunny. But, hey - that's better than what we had in Memphis while I was gone, from what I hear. I go to Sarasota twice a year for two weeks at a time because my job allows me so much time off (in lieu of an actual paycheck). I will admit that this time down, I got a little bored at times. Turns out, I really missed the Memphis nightlife. Sarasota has only one gay bar, despite the fact that they have more than twice the population that Memphis does. Blows my mind that I actually said something good about Memphis. I spent some time on the beach and have a lovely tan to show for it and I bought a couple pieces of art that I neither needed nor have a place for but for some reason I discovered I would cease to exist if I did not possess them. All in all, I had a very nice time and got to catch up with some friends.
Now for the really fun stuff.
Last week I went out with the boyfriend of the person that I fell for earlier this summer. Not in that way, people - get your minds out of the gutter. We just went to a club after our workout class for some drinks. Turns out, he wanted me to meet his best friend. The friend, whom I shall call K is HOT. Smoldering hot and very nice. Suffice to say, I was smitten. We spent the rest of the evening at the club getting to know each other better. Super kisser is all I'm sayin'.
With Halloween being nigh and all, I went to a party this weekend. Friends For Life, the local Memphis AIDS organization, hosted a huge costume ball at the Fairgrounds. This was my first big gay event to ever go to. WOW...I went as -- do not laugh -- the construction worker from the Village People. I went with a couple of friends, the boyfriend that set me up and K. Turns out, K had to be pretty discreet at this event as his newly exed ex was there. He spent most of the evening with one of the girls that came with us and I was off to explore the candy store, so to speak. However, at one point, the girl danced with me and said that K really liked me and that he was mine for the taking if I wanted him. Nice.
That's when I met C.
C was dancing across from me and is also hot as hell. We danced for a little while (oh, can this boy dance - I mean) and I found out he was with a couple of mutual friends. We seemed to find each other several times during the night. He asked the mutuals if we liked me and I got the stamp of approval (always a good thing). We made out a little on the dance floor and then we went outside for some fresh air. The building we were in exits into a dilapidated amusement park that has since closed down. We walked around there for awhile and he saw our big wooded roller coaster (Elvis' very favorite). He said he would have never gotten on it and I said it was really fun. We had a good time and made out a lot more outside. (I said where IS my Chapstick, bitches?). By the time we got back inside, the party was dying down and my crew had left me (seems to be an emerging theme with this group) but I had my own car so this was not a problem. We went back to the mutual friends' house and hung out there for awhile. I rolled in at about 2:30 - which if you know me, is an absolutely ungodly late hour.
Something else really nice happened at the party as well. I ran into a guy I met a couple of years ago and ... ahem ... "hung out" with him and his partner. He was surprised to see me as I was not out when I met him. I told him I had since come out to almost everyone. He hugged me and said he and his partner were very proud of me and that it was good to see me so happy and that he could tell I was really tormented when he first met me. I have to say, that was one of the most special things that someone has said to me in a long time. He made me feel so good about myself. It was nice and refreshing to discover that there are some people out there that are real, which has not been my experience with the gay community. That alone would have made my night completely worthwhile.
Sunday, the next day, I called C and we hung out all day. We had a long lunch and went downtown to the River Arts Fest late in the afternoon and then we met a couple of friends for dinner and had drinks after. Actually, we drank all afternoon, but that could reflect badly on me, so we will ignore that fact. I really like this guy. He is a breath of fresh air. Kinda like Hurricane Katrina. (He actually did a cartwheel as we crossed the street). The energy...I really enjoyed the time I spent with him and would like to see him again and we planned on lunch this week.
Yesterday, after work, I talked to K for about 45 minutes. This weekend, we are going out. I feel kinda slutty seeing two guys at the same time. A friend said you are only slutty if the clothes come off. That hasn't happened with either one of these, but, Lord its happened plenty times before. The boyfriend who set me up with K said not to worry about it, to go out with both of them and have a good time. He said I was just going thru my gay adolescence (now that I'm almost 40). Interesting turn of events. Seems like every day brings something new and different. Well, believe it or not, that's all for now. I'll keep you posted...
I'm glad you made it back from vacation in one piece, and congratulations on your new found sluttiness...
glad your back...have missed you.....
Sure sounds as if you are having a good time. Enjoy it. Dating is not slutty at all.
You should be proud. Coming out is not an easy task, so many potential land mines. Welcome back. Glad you had a nice holiday.
Glad you had a good time at Auntie's, we have been wondering just how long 2 weeks would last.
Enjoy the boys, when you meet Mr. Right you'll know it!
Glad to see a new post here. I, too, was wondering if maybe Florida had sucked you in (and not in a good way.) I only recently discovered your blog. You teased me for a few days, then left me hanging. I'm looking forward to reading more about you, to finding out what happens with C and K! Tonight is your date with K. I'll check back later Saturday to see how you survived the date.
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