WOW - things have been kind of hectic and/or crazy on my end lately so that is why I haven't posted. First of all, I have been sick. Normally, I am not one to fall ill often, but when I out. I am not an easy patient. Well, you know what I mean... I have had the stomach virus from HELL. Enough said. Though, I do think it is shitty that the weight one looses when one is sick COMES RIGHT BACK. That is just not right. That should be a perk for getting thru the illness, but, no...
Also, one of my best friends is leaving town in a week, and I am not having an easy time of it at all. It is always difficult for me to say goodbye to anyone I am close to, and for the most part, I have been spared this hurt. This time, it is pretty brutal. It has been a pretty emotional week for me. I am one that can deal with my emotions, but my friend does not deal with them well, . Sometimes I think he doesn't care. I know that is not the case, but that is what it often feels like. Add to that that he leaves in exactly one week, and so my emotions have pretty much been worn on my sleeve. I know this is not going to be easy and I am afraid things will get harder before they get better. I am especially thankful for a handful of friends, both here and in Florida, who have been willing to listen and lend me their shoulders. They have been true gems I am eternally grateful for their support.
And there has been some tension with some old friends that feel that I haven't been around enough or attentive enough in the past few months. I admit that this has been the case as this past 6 months my life has been completely upside down for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that I am still trying to find my way in the gay lifestyle and reconcile it to what I have known and been taught all my life. However, I feel I should be cut some slack in this in that this is one of my oldest friendships and it would certainly be expected of me if the shoe were on the other foot. So I have had to deal with that stress which I really did not need at the moment. So hopefully all that drama is over.

On top of that, work pretty much sucks right now as I am trying to get caught up after being gone for a couple of days. I am just hoping to make the winter months (which I hate). I am desperately waiting for spring to come as the warm weather is so therapeutic and I will be going on a couple of trips in the spring. I will be going to see my friend in Philly hopefully in March and in April I will go for 2 weeks to see my aunt in Sarasota. I REALLLLY need the beach right about now. Sorry this post is pretty heavy, but that is what I am dealing with right about now. On a lighter note... one of these guys would certainly make me feel better. If anyone knows where to find them, please, give a brotha a hand here...
1 comment:
I totally agree on the whole sick weight loss... if i survive the rare illness i get, and drop some pounds... keep them off!! otherwise, best of luck with your friends and all...hang in there..
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