Here is a picture of one of the tornados that hit Memphis last Tuesday. A friend of mine took this picture at his work looking back toward his house, in the direction of the tornado. The tornado jumped over their house and landed several streets away. They did not have any damage. Others were not so lucky... This tornado occured in Bartlett, a tiny town surrouded on all sides by Memphis. My parents live there. Forutnately they did not have any damage either. I did not actually see a tornado but I was in an area, driving my car no less, where conditions were more than favorable for one to form. Its only when you see a picture like this, that most of us realized how VERY fortunate we were. I talked to a guy at my gym that was in the immediate vicinity of the other tornado we had. He had to pull under an overpass and it was raining so hard he could not see to the end of his hood. He finally got thru on his cell phone to his boss and said pray for me. He said he really thought his number was up. Kinda makes you stop and think...
That's a big load to think about, sure 'nuff. And that's a scary picture, too. The extreme power in those forces of nature amaze me. I'm glad neither you nor your loved ones had a close encounter with the tornados.
You keeping busy this weekend? I'm thinking about you, with your friend having left this week. Hang in there!
That is "one big ass tornado!" I can't even imagine...
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