I know, I know - I haven't posted in some time now. A fact that is only evident to my one loyal Internet reader. Things have been busy and not much noteworthy to report. Until now. I have met someone. Someone I realllllllly like. Someone that likes me too. The fact that he likes me is probably an indication of some latent, maniacal disorder too frightening to ponder. But for the time being - he is perfect. I met him at one of the local gay bars where a friend of mine is a bartender. I was up there at the bar to visit my friend when I saw the cutest guy in the whole world sitting across from me. He is a little stockier than me and had this headful of curly hair and a beard. I melted. (Aside: If any of my friends within striking distance reads this - I do not wish to be teased for I am a vengeful person with a long memory) I asked my friend to let him know that I thought he was cute and he did. Turns out hottie works at the bar as a cook. Hottie comes back in and smiles at me and that is pretty much it. I was way to shy all of a sudden to go up to him and say something. So I left and didn't see him again until last Friday night.

As it happens, two of my friends go to this particular bar to see the drag show. Hottie comes up to me and says he was sorry for being an ass (he never was) but that he thought that I was someone else. He said after I left, the bartender kept saying that I was not who he thought he was. We spent the rest of the evening holding hands, watching the drag show in the company of my two friends (which was a big deal for me anyway). We played a little of bad pool and had a genuinely fun time. Before I left I told him I would try to stop by the next night. He actually seemed pleased at this, and I wondered again what could possibly be wrong with the boy.

I did go back two times this weekend to see him and I had a few beers with him this past Tuesday night. I know this is the GAYEST thing I could possibly say, but he has the prettiest eyes and smile. One bad thing - he works two full time jobs, so his free time is very limited. Hopefully, I wont scare this one off. I plan to take it real slow. We shall see what we shall see. I'll update when I know something more...
THAT IS AWESOME!!! Glad to hear you met someone!
OOoooooo!!! Exciting! You don't say in this post, did you exchange numbers? Any more specific plans to see him again?
Oh! Oh! Oh! It is your turn now!!! I am so happy for you, good luck! Just relax and be yourself, you will do fine. :)
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