I have been a bad blogger lately, I realize and I only have time for a short post today. Haven't really had anything to say lately. Until now. Two days ago, I dropped my cell phone in the turlet. To which I promptly said "shit"! I just crack myself up like that... The phone itself was no big deal. I have insurance on it for such stupid things as that BUT I had 250.00 numbers in it that were lost for good. I tried the hairdryer thing to no avail. The cell phone gods were frowning on my. And I don't know why...I pay my bill and do not abuse my...ahem...instrument (much).

So I sent out this mass email plea for numbers from my friends and enemies. The responses I have received...you can only imagine. Some of my "wittier" friends remarked it was like loosing my little black book. Others just laughed outright. Granted, it was a stupid thing to do. But I have most of my numbers back and I am going to have to enter them by hand. I don't mind really, but BY GOD I am putting everything in an address book. The hell with backing it up on a computer - I want a paper back-up. Servers crash all the time and I DO NOT repeat NOT want to have to do this all over again. So word to the wise -- WRITE DOWN YOUR NUMBERS AND EMAIL. So until next time, dear readers, feast your eyes (and tongues) on this...

I keep all of of my contacts, numbers, e-mail addresses, etc. in a spreadsheet on Google Docs. That way, even if I leave my phone behind along with my laptop, I can still access them from any computer in the world.
If Google's servers fail it will be due to a massive catastrophe, so we would all have much more to worry about than effing phone numbers.
Servers don't crash. Hard drives do. So use two hard drives on your computer.
I also keep my contacts in my organizer and Phonebook. I know it's way too old fashioned way but hey .. at least I can still access my contacts if there are certain chances when my phone is out of battery or the internet is not accessible in certain situations.
Dude, time to step up to the iPhone. It backs up every time you plug into your computer.
I know- its not paper, but you could print the fucker out.
That would be my luck. Sorry to hear about that!
- Mike
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