The boy lives in Tupelo, Mississippi, which for those of you un-Southern individuals, is a little town almost 2 hours south of Memphis in the middle of nowhere -- I mean, Mississippi. We have chatted quite a bit on the phone and emailed as well and so far, I really like what I know. Of course, I don't really know him after just meeting him, but I am really looking forward to finding out who he is.
Now don't get me wrong. I have learned numerous lessons from my freak-dating in the recent past. As I wait for the other shoe to fall, I am going to have this one stamped and verified. I want to know if he has a criminal record and, after Mr. Non-Neurosurgen this summer, I want to see tax records (or at the very least a W-2) as proof of employment. I wish there was a way I could determine if there are any psychological issues...hmmmmmmm.

I don't want to jinx it, but I am a freak-magnet. But I do think it is odd that the right after I swear off men that this one comes along. So far, he has pushed all the right buttons - and that is something that none of the others that I have gone out with have managed to do. We shall see what we shall see. Wish me luck and I will keep you posted...