I am officially disgusted with the creature called the gay man. The short version. I had kinda sorta been seeing this guy as of late. I'm really into this guy. I even dared to believe he might be ... (gasp)... different. Well, he's NOT. We had been seeing each other for about a month and a half. We would hang out and he liked to make out like a fiend in the car or pretty much anywhere else. So I go off to Florida on my little vacation and I call him when I get there. No response that week at all. Then when I return to Memphis, I call to let him know I got back. Still no response. I email asking what is up. He emails me back saying that he has been busy yada, yada, yada and that I did nothing wrong, its just him (bleck). Two of my good friends said to simply walk away. I showed the email to a third friend and she said that he just wasn't that into me. Well, okey dokey. I wish he had let me know that before spending a month and a half with me and making out with me every chance he got.

I saw him this past weekend at Mollie Fontaine's and he came up to me and hugged me and asked how I was. I said fine and walked off. Now comes the interesting part. I have discovered that he is FaceBook friends with another guy I know. So I asked my friend how he knows dude and he denies knowing him. Hmmm... Ok. My feeling is since they are friends on FaceBook, someone had to initiate the be-friending and someone had to accept. Two actions - not an accident. So I ask the other guy how he knew him and he, also, denied knowing him. Two denials. YET THEY ARE FRIENDS ON FACEBOOK. I have this gut feeling that they went "bump" in the night one time and are both trying to forget it ever happened OR they still see each other occasionally. At least be honest about it.

I swear I have gotten to the point where I trust no one. No one is what they appear. I think I will just stick to sex. It's easier. Speaking of...I want these boys... now. Ok, dear readers - what is your opinion of the situation?
If all you did was "make out" for an entire month and a half, then Houston, we have a problem.
The guy 'may' have wanted more making of the sexy.
Sounds like you need to write this one off.
I totally feel for you, but agree that writing them off would probably be best.
Excessive talking gets to you? I can laugh, but I don't think talking would be that bad.
If someone is interested in you, then I don't think you would have to try and pin them down. Usually they make themselves easy for the other person to contact. I think you can't write him off because he already wrote himself out of your picture. I found you have to slog through a huge amount of jerks before the right one comes along. Good luck!
I think you may be right, just stick to sex.
I have to agree with cb, if you only made out for that long & no sex something was very wrong.
Just forget him & go on to the next one...
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