Hello dear readers… Have I got a story for you. First, it imperative that you read the post below this in order to get the full effect. As you know, I met someone and was cautiously optimistic about the whole thing. Well… to fill in the gaps… about a week after meeting dude, we decided he was to come into town to visit me (he lives in Tupelo, MS). That weekend I did not hear anything at all – nothing – he just did not show. I called and called and got no answer. I left numerous messages and finally decided that I had been unceremoniously dumped. Come Monday of the next week, I sent him a somewhat nasty email saying that if he didn’t want to come see me he could have just said so – that I was a big boy, I can deal with it. I get an email right back saying that his mother died (I knew she had a heart attack the previous week) and that he texted me. Well hell. I don’t have texting on my phone. I felt like dirt. He said he did not want to miss the opportunity to get to know me.
So we talk on the phone and chat quite a bit for the next two weeks. His brothers from Chicago apparently came down for the funeral and expressed their desire to contest the will if they didn’t get enough. The will was read and they did not get anywhere close to what they wanted and proceeded to contest. They all went to court (which I thought was real quick, but it’s a small town so I figured things moved faster). Anyhoo – they went to court and the judge ruled that everything must be sold and split 3 ways amongst the brothers against the mother’s wishes. My guy told his brothers off on the courthouse steps and said he never wanted to see them again. We talked quite a bit after that and he said he couldn’t wait to come to Memphis and just hold me. (TOTALLY falling for this guy). I knew he had been thru a lot. So the plan was this past weekend he was to come to Memphis and stay at a hotel here. This was to be purely for discretionary purposes as he would actually be staying with me for most of the weekend. Also, I work a part-time job I could not get away from. I had the whole weekend planned out – where we were going to eat and what clubs were going to – all that. So Friday morning I get this call at 9:15 am saying he is on his way, just leaving Tupelo and that he plans to go to one of our God-awful malls and shop and get to the hotel around 1. I was going to take off at 2 and go directly to his hotel (for what I have concluded was the best sex of my entire life). I call at 2 and get no answer. I figure he is not in from shopping. Still no answer an hour later. And the next hour and the next. So I call the hotel figuring that he just went to sleep or something. He had not checked in nor was there a reservation in his name.

I was devastated. He simply NEVER showed. I had fallen for this guy only to be stood up. Now I will say I have the BEST friends in the WORLD as they took care of me all weekend. I cried, plotted revenge, etc, etc… My friends forbade me from every contacting Dickweed again.
So I make it thru the weekend – still no word from him. In the back of my mind, I had this notion that I would hear something from him and he would have an excuse. This past Tuesday, I got an email from him. Rather than attempting to describe what was said, I simply copied it and submit it for your consideration.

Please read:
To Whom it may concern,
I am emailing my uncles friends on line.. He was in a car accident on Friday in memphis. which later he died from the injuries he substained in the accident..
We will miss him and he always said to me that if anything would happen to him I was to send his friends this email..
He touched so many lives..
We know that he's with his mother which we lost her 2 weeks ago..
God Bless .........
Keep in mind that this is uncorrected – this is exactly what he wrote. HE TRIED TO FAKE HIS OWN DEATH!!!! WTF!!?!?!?!? After having read so many of his emails, this is UNMISTAKABLY him. Does he really think that I am this STUPID to read this and believe that he is dead??? NO ONE writes something like this. If I hadn’t fallen for the Dickweed, this would have actually been funny. Why could’nt he have said that he just didn’t want to come see me. I’m a big boy – I could have handled it…

To continue… he had sent me a picture in which he named the jpg attachment. A friend googled this and discovered him on several gay sex cites. I White-paged him and he does not live in Tupelo. The sex cite gels with what I found out. He has a partner and LOVES to play. He may even be something of a hustler that preys on people. And here I was falling for him. WOW. I sure can pick them. So not only am I hurting, but I have to be humiliated to my friends who cannot say anything more sympathetic than I finally bored someone to death. Another friend said that I must be pretty bad if someone has to fake their own death to avoid spending the weekend with me. They all think it is funny – I do not. It is horrible to trust someone and have them shit on you. I guess I will never learn. I think I have finally decided to just stick to sex. It is simply much easier. I should have never thought I could have acutally found someone. I just don't believe it is possible.
I called bullshit when I got to the part of your post where he and his brothers went to court within a week of his mother's death. Probate court does not roll like that. Glaciers have been known to move more quickly across land than probate court. Sorry the guy was a flake.
My heart goes out to you dude. I have been reading your blog the past year or so and have followed your ups & downs and can say if anyone deserves a break it's you.
At least you found this out before investing too much into him.
Good luck.
Dude, I am so sorry this happened! Eventually it will be a good bar/brunch story, but right now it sux.
But this illustrates exactly why the best way to my heart is through my ass. 8 or more inches through my ass to be precise
Sorry man that sucks the big one.
The right one will come along.
I remember you telling me that when we chatted. That is unbelievable to go to that extreme and rather sadistic on his part and for him to be able to treat you like that. You're such a sweet guy and don't deserve that at all. Hope you have a great Christmas if I don't get to talk to you before then and you can enjoy the great friends and family you do have :-)!
That is amazing... stunning... awful. How could someone be so low?
Not all guys are like that - keep looking for Mr right.
First lets talk Kharma here. His Mother dead, now he is dead! This character is going to have some serious back lash even putting stuff out there like that. I get the shivers. I mean he could have just not even bothered responding the first time but to come up with a line like those two yuk. I would have replied that you would like to send flowers to the funeral home just to keep it going and see how far they would take it. I mean after a few drinks it would be kinda fun to mess with this asshole. Sorry you got burned man, I love your blog!
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