Well, it seems that Memorial Day and the official start of summer is upon us. Summer. My favorite season. It evokes the magical descriptions as found in Ray Bradbury's quintessential classic "Dandelion Wine". Even now as I sit indoors, I can conjure up summer so easily. The smell of freshly mowed lawns. The sound of the Popsicle man's truck. The purple sky at dusk with just a hint of moon. The smell of honeysuckle and gardenia. Trips to the beach. And of course the cicadas. The roar that they make defies description. And all of that is back again, playing to a packed house but without quite the same allure as it has to a child. But summer for an adult can be fun as well. Vacations, time off work, etc. Oh -- and the most important thing: COLD BEER. That is the HUGE benefit of being an adult in summertime.
Last night I found myself sitting outdoors enjoying the summer evening at The Beauty Shop (a former beauty shop turned trendy restaurant here in Memphis) sipping wine with some very lovely ladies from the local ballet waiting for a friend to show up. It was the perfect evening -- no humidity and a gentle breeze. I couldn't help but think back just a year ago, I sat in the very same seat with one of my best friends on the night that I came out. The thought of that stayed with me most of the night. The nostalgia of reflection aside, I stopped to ponder the past year. And not just the events of the year themselves, but asking myself how am I different and am I better off now? Coming out for me was not a well-planned, thought out decision. It was a spontaneous occurrence that I have not regretted. In so many ways I feel like I have started living after I became honest with myself and friends as to who I really am. And last night, as I sat outside with these beautiful people, I realized that I would never have met any of them had I not come out.
So suffice to say that I am looking forward to this summer with something close to the anticipation of a kid getting out of school for the summer. Tonite I am going to see the new Indiana Jones movie. (Another way cool benefit of summer are the blockbuster movies!!) But lest we forget...the real reason for us being off on Monday is that we pause and remember our troops past and present that have served or serving our country.

1 comment:
I'll be curious to hear your take on the new Indy flick. (my thoughts are "meh".)
Its also good to come out when you are ready... and it sounds like you were ready.
So good for you!
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