Hi there everyone...Sorry I haven't posted as much lately, but things have been somewhat Kee-rae-zy... Where to start...Well, I had an interesting yet fun time Friday night. This guy I am kinda sorta seeing that I kinda sorta like a lot went with me to see a friend of mine that is in Memphis Ballet for his last show of the season. The show combined the ballet while celebrating various fashion designers. Tres cool idea... And it was located at the zoo. You may be thinking weird place to hold a ballet. But the Memphis Zoo is REALLY good forum - one of the best zoos in the country. I was particularly excited as I have not been to the zoo since I was a child (I know, shame on me). So I came up with the brilliant idea (I have no other kind) to go early so we could get a cocktail and walk around and see some of the animals. Well, when we got there we found that the performances space was up front, in the common area near the entrance and all the main walkways to where the animals were located were blocked off to the public, as the zoo was closed for the evening. Not one to be deterred by barricades, my friend (whom I shall refer to as HotAss) and I went around to the back of the cat house where we saw people mingling around. Turns out there was a wedding reception in the Panda exhibit - but we didn't know it was a reception when we crashed it. After snooping around the reception and not finding anything to our liking, I said lets go walking around. So we start on the main loop. HotAss just got a new camera and we were taking pictures of all sorts of animals we saw. Then some man comes up to us in a tram and says we need to go back to where the show is, that the zoo is closed. He said we could finish taking pictures and all that but to start heading back. Bleck. We take more pictures of the giraffes and their adorable baby and then another guy in another tram comes by and tells us to go up front. He was not as nice as guy number one. So with reluctance we start heading back. And then I see the flamingo pond. Now flamingos are my VERY FAVORITE bird of all time, and being gay I guess I am naturally attracted to a pink bird. I then found out why all these people kept telling us to go back to the where the show was. It appears that after closing time, certain fences around certain exhibits become electrified. I found this out the hard way. I leaned over to look at the pink birds and got the hell shocked out of me. It was like a human bug zapper. It sounded like a shot went off... HotAss said it hurt him and he didn't even touch the fence. Like any good Memphian, I started screaming lawsuit. HotAss got a big kick out of this as we were trespassing and were told to leave twice and the fence was clearly marked --he said I wouldn't get much... My thumb hurt most of the night, dammit. Anyway, the show was SUPER -- my friend danced in one movement and choreographed another, which was by FAR superior to the others. We waited around and said hi to the dancers before going off to Mollie Fontaine's for more drinks.

Another interesting thing that happened was that Saturday night I had dinner with a couple of friends I had not seen in awhile. They are two lesbians and one of them was partnered previously with another close friend of mine. There had been some tension there with myself and them over the past few months -- you know ... taking sides and all that... Due to the violent weather that was coming thru the area Saturday night, we decided to eat in. Also, they invited two of their neighbors over (gay guys) that I had never met. We had a ball and I really hit it off with them. I would really like to get to know them better as one of them came from the same background as me. Anyhoo -- I get this email from my friend on Monday. Basically, it said that it was good to see me Saturday night and that she knows it is hard when people break up and started talking about choosing sides (I ended up being closer with her ex after the breakup, but I found this comment interesting since NONE OF THIS WAS EVER DISCUSSED THAT NIGHT -- AT ALL).

Then she said that she was busy and she hoped I wouldn't be offended if she couldn't spend a lot of time with me (not that we have anyway). And that she wanted me to know that she was still my friend and that I could email or call her. Here we had this great dinner and I get an email out of the blue basically saying I am to be kept at arms length. Whatever. I have come to the conclusion that women are F**KING CRAZY. All women. There is NO understanding any of them, so don't even try. It is an exercise if futility. Thank GOD I bat for the guys...
Yep, that's an electric fence alright... Just so you know.
A little late for the party here, but nevertheless...
Yes. Women are crazy. I are one, and I think they/we are all crazy. I don't understand women. Sometimes I don't understand myself. Guys are a lot easier to understand. I'd much rather hang out with guys, especially gay guys, than women.
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