The funniest thing happened to me last night. I went up to my favorite gay haunt, Mollie Fontaine Lounge. I went early to visit my bartender friend at the bar and we chatted it UP and discovered that we are about to be neighbors. A really good friend of mine came in after he went to the Outflix movie (annual gay film festival here in Baghdad on the Bluff). So we were upstairs drinking and making merry when the DJ, Steve Anne, shows up to start spinning the tunes. He comes in with some guy wearing a grey fedora hat.

Charlie makes the comment that he doesn't like those hats and that he wishes people wouldn't wear them anymore, especially kids these days. I took umbrage and said I really like them. He said they were stupid looking. I asked the guy if I could see his hat for a second. There was someone right behind me so him being tall and all he just leaned over and put it on my head. I told Charlie see, hats are cool and that I can wear a hat well and that he probably could too because he has a good hat head. He pronounced it was "acceptable". I returned the hat and went back to drinking. As I was leaving, the guard was walking me to my car and said isn't that cool that Steve Anne brought in the lead singer of the B52s, Fred Schneider. Said he was wearing the funky hat. I almost shat myself. That is so like me...to have a brush with greatness and not even know it. Le sigh...
Holy shit. Fred Schneider put HIS hat on YOUR head... and you didn't even know who it was!
Probably better that way... it made you less self conscious.
I can't tell you how many times that has happened to me!
You know where someone famous comes up to me and starts yakking and yakking and I'm like please just let me enjoy my drink, like six, seven, four, two, okay never. :(
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