It's official. I'm taking on Big Oil. Just you sit down a minute and let me tell you what happened to me. Two Monday nights ago, I was visiting my parents for dinner in Bartlett, Tennessee (a small city almost completely surrounded my the wretched city of Memphis). Anyzort, I needed to get gas for the car and my mom told me to go to Citgo (since they have the cheapest gas around) and put money on a gift card. If you do this and use the gift card at the pump, you get an additional .03 or more off the price of the gas. So she lent me her card and I hauled ass up there and put some money on her card and got gas. Then (idiot me) went back in the store and said I would like one of those cards. Dude said he couldn't just give me one - that I would have to put some money on it. I gave him a 20 and he gave me the card. I figured that since I just filled up, that I could wait till the next Monday (the 22nd) and use the card.

Well, Monday rolls around, I go to Citgo and try (note I said try) to use said card. The attendant tells me the card is empty, which is impossible since I HAVEN'T USED IT. So Dickweed tells me, very curtly, to call the manager. Poor little Dickweed... he has no idea who he is fucking with and how far I can take things. So I think there is maybe ONE chance that there was a mistake. Perhaps I have given the wrong card to my mom. I go back to their house and she pulls out her card, which she has not used. I call the 800 number on the back and it says both cards have a 0 balance. I'm good and pissed now as I have lost $20.00. I figure either they are going to refund my $20.00 or I am going to take at least $20.00 of their time and effort. So, the next day, I call the 800 number and they ... wait for it... tell me that both cards have been used previously. Again I try to explain to Dickweed's brother Dickwad that that was not possible. Dickwad said that I was given a used card!!!! I wanted to know how in FUCKING HELL it was used when I saw Dickweed pick it up off the stack and break the attachment off and run it. It was NOT a reloaded card. He maintained that it was. Dickwad said they will do some sort of "investigation" and they will get back with me in 7-10 bidness days. I am SOOOO far from being satisfied.

Then I ask for the number of the Regional Manager for Citgo, who was actually very nice. He contacted the local manager who promised to go thru all the register tapes. This was yesterday. As I am typing this - at this moment - I just got a call from the local manager. She says that she can only find one card on the tapes and nothing on the other one. I'm thinking the card didn't take when Dickweed swiped it. She claims up and down that that can't POSSIBLY be the case. AND GET THIS! She says that perhaps my mom got the card with the $20.00 on it and THREW IT AWAY BY MISTAKE. She does not know my mother. Mistakes are something my mother never makes. So as of now, I have been screwed out of my money by the big oil company. For the record, I will NEVER step foot in another Citgo in my natural lifetime. And beware... if some Dickweed or Dickwad says to put money down on a "gift" card...DON'T. The only "gift" you will get is screwed (without the benefit of lubricant). Now, I just need to relax and think about what it would be like to run my tongue all over the chests of these hot boys...

At least you're fighting it and raising hell- the way to do it!!!
fuck citgo! now i wanna fuck all those boys. wanna join me?
HELL TO THE YES!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry to hear about that shit. fucking gift card fiascoes!
How frustrating. Hope it all works out.
Oh crap, I was just given a $50 dollar gift card, it better work or else!
First I will have to lick.. er.. um... I mean look at those hot guys again. ;)
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Theyre right on top of us, and Savous and Hyle are both on the surface. Once she found it, she turned it toward his breath, met his lips with hers. Not body and soul. But the vetriese… Irin paused. Then she opened her eyes. Her current position didnt allow her to see Nialdlye, Brevin, Lanthan, or Tykir. She shook her head. Im so proud of you. She loved them as much as she loved her parents. Shed messed that one up. He says we need to all make our choices, and his heart chooses you. Shed come and done what she didnt want to do shed done the right thing. She froze, lost in the icy heat of his gaze. They still refused to relent. When hed had his fill and shed somewhat subsided, he rose to his knees. This was what it was supposed to be. You didnt have to knock. That, and you havent asked to talk to me alone before. His chuckle burst a bubble of dread in her chest. She twisted her grip as she slid her fist from root to tip.
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