I am so fucking proud of myself!!!!!!! Last night I went to exercise class and weighed myself for the first time in two weeks. Since starting the SugarBusters diet on August 11th, I have lost a total of 16 pounds!!! YAY ME!! AND it has been relatively painless. When I went to the doctor a couple of months ago, I weighed 197. That was the most I have ever weighed in my life. Now I am down to 181! I am a total fan of SugarBusters. Most of it is common sense. Essentially you can't eat anything with sugar in it as sugar is the devil. I thought that this task would be nearly impossible and if, in fact, possible then damn restrictive. Neither has proven to be true. The truth is that the things that you can't eat are very few. They essentially want you to eat foods in their pure form and not processed -- foods that are low to middle on the glycemic index. The glycemic index measures how fast foods turn into sugar once you ingest them. How fast they turn into sugar depends on the insulin release which is directly correlated to weight gain. And I would not call this a low-carb diet as I am eating bread at every meal. It was hard to find a whole grain bread that didn't have sugar as one of the top three ingredients, but I did (Nature's Own 7 Grain) -- and it was actually quite good. Of course, I did have to give up beer. Sadly, beer is what got me in the shape (so to speak) that I am in now. BUT I have been drinking wine - red and white. And since I love wine, this is not a problem. Now if the diet had said no drinking at all, I think I would have to kill myself. Like most people I know, alcohol is the glue that holds my universe together... OH -- AND I get to eat chocolate - dark chocolate which I LOVE. The book has a list of super foods that they say we are supposed to eat whenever we can. It includes things that are very beneficial in terms of fatty acids and antioxidants - mostly common sense stuff - and dark chocolate with more than 60% cocoa is one of them. So that satisfies my sweet tooth. There is NOTHING IN THE WORLD, (except sex) more satisfying than having red wine and dark chocolate together. Oh, the flavor. But I digresseth...

They are also real big on portion control. If you think about it, we Americans eat so freaking MUCH. Since I have started watching the amount of food I eat, I find that it takes less to make me feel full. And I eat several little meals all day long to keep the metabolism going (mine, in particular, is painfully slow and needs its worthless ass whipped into shape -- that sounds dirty - heehee). Add to that I have been working out at a Group Fitness program called Group Power. It is a one hour long barbell class that works each of the major muscle groups. I am actually getting thinner and gaining muscle, something I have never done in my entire life. And I cannot tell you how much better I feel, both physically and emotionally. People can tell you all day long you look like you have lost weight, but nothing compares to the feeling of going up a belt notch or buying a shirt a size down from what you normally wear. Someone should put that feeling in pill form and we would solve America's crack problem. Anyhoo -- that's the latest with me. I'll keep you posted. One of these days, I am going to look like these bois...

Congratulations on the weightloss thing! Of course now I have to officially hate you. :-)
Congratulations on losing 16 pounds in 1 month!!! That is AWESOME!!! :-)
Chocolate? Ew... j/k...
Way to go! Nothing can replace the feeling of knowing you're in shape and doing all the rights things. Keep it up.
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